Find A Ford
To celebrate 100 years in Ireland, Ford is giving everyone a chance to drive a brand new Mustang with €30K in the glove box to be won.
We hid a Mustang on the Google maps and invite the whole Ireland to find it.
How? Watch the case study below:
The fully responsive website hosts our costumed built google maps where the Mustang was hidden. 5 video clues were released day by day during the course of 5 days.
Here’s a live recording of the website of how you can find a Mustang. Google map street view were replaced with our car sitting against stunning Irish landscapes. The viewer can hop in Mustang and have a fully immersive experience. You can zoom in on even the grain on the leather chair.
We also made 2 Promo films and OOH for the campaign:
Some 360 photography we captured to build the website:
4 million video impressions
0.69 click through rate on digital
Over 11,000 unique entries
One very happy winner
Art Direction Mickey Chan
Graphic Design Mickey Chan
Branding Mickey Chan
Web UI Mickey Chan
Case study Mickey Chan
Copywriter Robert Cummins, Simon O’Neill
3D illustrator Nuria Madrid
Photography Mashup Media
Web Developer EightyTwenty
2017 / Ogilvy Dublin