Mickey Shu-Ting Chan

“The Real Barbie”

Age 83, Made with AI

This is a proactive piece developed by me, with the help of Midjourney, when the big hit of the Barbie movie was about to come out.

I love the fact that Barbie, once tarred as misogynistic, has come to be viewed as a kick-ass feminist icon in 2023. However, we’ve never see Barbie reflect her real age. She was born in 1959, at the ripe age of 19. Making her 83 today, and still living her best pink life.

For far too long, we've placed wrinkle free youth on a pedestal! It affects us all, our mental health and the way we perceive our self-worth during our journey through the normal process of ageing. Changing attitudes about ageing begins with more discussion and showing ageing in more diverse forms in the media. So I’ve created her, and I hope one day she will be made. Let’s show some love for 83-year-old Barbie. She’s a total babe.


I was hopeing to get aging charity partners on board but the time was not on my side. However I went small viral among the pro-aging and feminsit groups after I post it on my instagram. I’ve recieved many postive feedback and some even changed their profile images to The Real Barbie!

2023 / Personal



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